
Happy Halloween

I hope everyone has a great halloween, and you all get lots of candy..


Must watch Halloween movie

Are you all ready for this?

Hostel - sounds relatively benign doesn't it.... watch it... I still get the shivers when I think of it..

Horror movie scale 1 to 5 this has gotta be 6 stars...


The new car

This one is not it, but it's what I am working out a deal on right now..(by me I mean hubby of course)

T-Roofs, Turbo (grunts here while drooling), white, tan leather interior, fancy rims, good stereo.... what can I say I'm in love.. ok guys I got one that looks almost exactly like the white one.... tan interior and lots of chrome on the outside..


Granny's Hip Replacement Surgery

So now that I'm nicely recovered, I thought I would share with you all the new situation..

Granny is going for her hip replacement surgery tomorrow. She's over 70 and has osteoperosis so keep her in your thoughts, as I hear how she is I will update you all.


Animal Rescuers Creed

I am an Animal Rescuer

My job is to assist God's creatures. I was born with the need to fulfill their needs. I take in new family members without plan, thought or selection.

I have bought dog or cat food with my last dime. I have patted a mangy head with a bare hand. I have hugged someone vicious and afraid.

I have fallen in love a thousand times and I have cried into the fur of a lifeless body. I have Animal Friends and friends who have animal friends.I don't often use the word "pet."

I notice those lost at the road side and my heart aches. I will hand raise a field mouse and make friends with a vulture. I know of no creature unworthy of my time.

I want to live forever if there aren't animals in Heaven, but I believe there are. Why would God make something so perfect and leave it behind? We may be master of the animals, but the animals have mastered themselves-- something people still haven't learned.

War and Abuse makes me hurt for the world, but a rescue that makes the news gives me hope for mankind. We are a quiet but determined army, and making a difference every day. There is nothing more necessary than warming an orphan, nothing more rewarding than saving a life; No higher recognition than watching them thrive. There is no greater joy than seeing a baby play who only days ago, was too weak to eat.

I am an Animal Rescuer, My work is never done, My home is never quiet. My wallet is always empty, but my heart is always full In the game of life, we have already won.

So I'm back

to work yay... not

Actually I was starting to enjoy being a little housewife, believe it or not...

But the time has come to return to work, and here, and everywhere else I may be required... I also wanted to say thanks guys for being such a great support while I was going through all of this, you all help me kept my sanity and I appreciate everything..

Anyways the purpose of this post is:

I watched Click last night, it could have been a really funny movie, Adam Sandler is a funny guy but it just didn't do it for me... There were a couple of funny scenes but by no means was I laughing through the whole movie..

so we'll give this movie 2 out of 5 stars due to ok story line, kinda funny but not the greatest.


By Show of Hands How Many of You Have Been Cursed?

Well, I have…it’s not fun. I am not talking about being called names such as “pansy ass boy bitch” and “degenerate jackass”, that stuff does not bother me. Those are terms of endearment. I am talking about actually being cursed…voodoo style!

I have been cursed. Nothing really major, my power has just gone out for no apparent reason and occasionally I fell ill after being given the cyber death stare. These things usually happen after Vixen get pissed at me, which happens more that you can imagine. All of these things I can live with but I have seen the power of “the voodoo”. I no longer doubt it and I do not want to tempt it. The last thing that I want is for body parts to start falling off. It could happen. Voodoo knows no boundaries when spawned from a pissed off woman.

With that being said Vixen told me that it was about time to post. I really didn’t realize that it had been so long since my last post. When you are as awesome as I am occasionally time will fly by. I have to clarify here that in no way am I scared of Vixen. She is not scary even though she thinks she is, her voodoo on the other hand is a force to be reckoned with, and I really don’t feel like going to the witchdoctor on a Saturday. Have I told you the story about the time I owned Vixen? No, well I will save that for another time. Let’s talk about this week’s renter.

In the wee hours of the morning today I was given four blogs to choose from that were in the running to rent from this blog, which is the epitome of cool. Anyway, it was late and the first blog I linked to had music playing. I hate music playing on blogs. Here is the deal, most blogs suck; there is no reason to add some transcendental mediation music to your blog to highlight the fact that it sucks. Blog one rejected!

On to blog two, I can’t remember it. Blog two rejected!

Blog three was like having to listen to a Nickelback CD. Nickelback is the worst thing to happen to music since Poison. Chad Kroeger sounds like he is having his nuts painfully removed while receiving shots of estrogen in every one of his fucking songs. Needless to say blog three was rejected.

That leaves Blog 4. I have to say I was not feeling too positive when I clicked on the link. That soon changed when I saw a post entitled “My Mother is a Bitch.” Awesome! I now know how the second giraffe felt when he was chosen to join Noah on the Ark. Actually the blog is highly entertaining and it made me laugh several times. Its JDV approved. Go visit her blog or risk having your body parts mysteriously removed by “The VooDoo.”


Newest Renter

I posted the links to the blogs that bid this week and it was actually JDV that chose this one. He's a slacker though so I shall introduce her. I previously rented to Jack's Raging Mommy on my blog not too very long ago. She clued me into SWOPping and therefore shall always hold a very righteous spot in my heart. Here's a flashback:

Anyway, can you believe it? I rented to a Mommy blog! And I even did so on purpose. Go check out Jack's Raging Mommy. Because if I can dig it, so can you.

And as always the "fuckin' special" are forever welcome here.