
The customary introductory post

So as everyone knows here, I have a creative deficiency and an extreme lack of imagination, and I have always hated to have to do intro posts..

If you feel so inclined, you can take a look at the sidebar and visit the Canadian Views sites if you would like to find out more. You can also visit me at "myspace.com/tjcanuck"

Other than that I am quite boring, I'm happily married to a wonderful guy and have a furry little bastard (pussy cat) named Baz..

What could you possibly want to know about me? I'm 36 years old for a little longer at least, I'm Canadian, I have short hair that seems to change color frequently from the darkest brown I could find to platinum blond (my next color) to red, I like doing things to keep people on their toes what can I say. I have a sarcastic and dark sense of humor, which only the people at this blog seem to appreciate..

My favorite color is black, my favorite type of food is Italian, I drive a SUV in the winter and have a couple of summer cars, I want a Smoky and the Bandit Trans Am, I enjoy camping, fishing, reading especially Stephen King, watching movies, all types of music but my favorite is 80's hair bands, Def Leppard, Nickleback, Metallica, Ozzy Ozbourne, AC/DC, Hinder, Poison, Whitestarr, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Guns & Roses, Tragically Hip - ok you get the picture..

I have a thing for guys who shave their head - really.. I think it's very sexy..

Well that's all I got for now if you want to know more just ask... or maybe I'll get motivated enough to do a "100 things to know list" - stranger things have happened..

Have a great day people and I'll see ya all soon.


Tammy bound over for trial - Update

Date: Sep 22, 2006 2:42 AM
Subject Tammy bound over for trial-Best Friends announces new law
Body: Tammy Grimes Bound Over For Trial On Theft Charges; Best Friends Announces Citizen's Good Samaritan Law.

Update September 22, 2006
Following a preliminary hearing, a state court judge ordered Tammy Grimes of Dogs Deserve Better bound over for trial. Judge Craig Ormsby found probable cause to try Grimes on charges of theft.
Best Friends Animal Society has proposed a citizen's good Samaritan law. Under such a law, the text of which is set forth below in the earlier report, citizens would be able to enter the property of another for the limited purpose of taking an animal to a veterinarian, if needed, or otherwise providing emergency care for an animal. Of course, efforts must first be made, as they were in Grimes' case, to notify the owners and animal control.
Please go here for full and complete detailed information:


There you will find links to DDB, the videos of Doogie before and after Tammy had to intervene to save Doogies' life and a complete discussion with members interacting with each other on how to help Tammy. Also you will discover how to pass such a proposed law in your own community or state-let's end the suffering. Hope to see you there!


I'm here..

Sorry I'm late good people but they say better late than never..

Will be back to offer my 2 cents very shortly....see you all soon.


Celebrity Death Match Theater Part III: Intermission


Help a fellow Rescuer.!!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From:  Real Men Don't Hurt Animals.
Date: Sep 16, 2006 8:38 PM

If you see or come across an animal that needs Help or Rescue whether is a cat, dog, horse, rabbit etc... you do it Immediately . Don't be afraid of what can happen to you, You get up, Get out there and help our animal brothers and sisters.

Tammy Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, was arrested September 11, 2006 for helping a dying chained dog named Doogie who could not stand in East Freedom, Pennsylvania. Below are the details of the case, with photo and video documentation.

Tammy's statement: "I made a hard decision; this decision was that I could not have lived with myself or looked myself in the eye if I were such a coward as to leave Doogie lying there dying on the ground for fear of what would happen to me. I see this case as a travesty against justice...the true perpetrators of a crime are the people who left Doogie to lie there dying for three days without doing right by him. I am very saddened that we live in a society where people have to be afraid to do the right thing, to help those in need, whether that need be human or animal. Arrests such as mine are a pitiful statement for America, and I ask all dog lovers to stand with me to insist that all charges against me are dropped and charges of animal cruelty are instead placed against the Arnolds of East Freedom, PA. The Arnolds who left Doogie to die. This video truly speaks for itself, and for Doogie. I did what was morally right; I stand by my decision to help him and will be proud of it until my dying day. No one can take that from me."


Here is the background info:

We got a call from Kim Eicher in East Freedom 9/11/06, crying because Doogie hadn't gotten up since Saturday. She had been calling the Central Pennsylvania Humane Society since Saturday to no avail. We told her we aren't law officers, and she needed to call the Humane Officer. We told her to make sure she left a message, very clearly, about the problem. Then we got another call about the same dog, from another person who passes him every day. At that point we called Kim back to see if she'd heard from the Humane Officer. She had not, was very, very upset and we were very worried about him, so we promised her we'd go out and see what we could do.


When we arrived, we took photos and video of Doogie. We initially thought he was dead, as he was not moving and his back was to us. We found out that the people were not home to talk to about him, so I made the decision that I would not leave him lying there on the cold wet ground for one moment longer, and I would accept all consequences of my decision.

Kim Eicher has agreed to testify as to the animal cruelty perpetrated against Doogie. She cried the whole time we were there, you can hear her on the video. I think once you see the video and pictures, you'll understand why I made this decision.


The vet documented his general negligent condition, low weight, sores, missing fur, and took xrays of his back and hips. He determined that he has very bad back spurs that are causing him a lot of pain and are most likely responsible for his inability to walk. He also saw an undetermined mass near his hip on the xray. He gave him a shot for pain plus some B vitamins for energy, so that perhaps he could have even one good day or a few good hours. He wrote a letter stating his condition.


As we got to the vet, the CPHS Humane Officer Gotshall was just leaving, and he stopped us. He was about to go out to the residence. When he found out we had Doogie with us, he was not happy. I volunteered to take Doogie back and he could pick him up instead. He refused that, and stated that I should get him the vet care he needed, and to call him afterward on his cell.

When I later called him, he did not answer, I left a message asking him what he wanted me to do with Doogie, he never called back.


Shortly after we got Doogie to my home, situated, bathed?had to, the stench was too bad?and fed and watered an Officer Flaig called from the Freedom Township Police Department (Freedom, isn't that ironic?). He wanted me to return Doogie, which I refused to do. I explained that I had video and photos documenting the animal cruelty, and the neighbor was willing to testify; why didn't he pursue that as they were the perpetrators of the crime, and should be charged? He refused, and was not interested in seeing my evidence.


He and three other police vehicles arrived at my home at approximately 9:30 p.m. As I refused to hand Doogie over to be returned to death on a chain, and would not tell them where he was, I was taken into custody, transported to the East Freedom police office, and charged with theft, receiving stolen property, criminal mischief, and criminal trespass. I was released on $50,000 unsecured bond and ordered to appear at a preliminary hearing September 21, 2006.


I was treated like a common criminal, especially by Chief Reilly, who called me a 'freakin' idiot', 'incompetent', and I overheard him telling Officer Flaig that if I ever came near his dog I would have a slug in my a**. Again, there was no interest in any evidence that the dog had been abused or criminally neglected. As far as they were concerned, the dog's safety or condition was not even an issue.

I was released after seeing Judge Aigner, where Chief Reilly asked that I be not given bail but incarcerated for my failure to cooperate. It was 2:00 a.m., and I had no ride home, over 30 miles away. I had to walk to a local all-night store to call and get a cab, because there was no concern over how I would get home. Their attempt to dehumanize me didn't work. I held my head high and still do. I looked Chief Reilly square in the eye at every opportunity. I will not be broken.

Here's what I need from you all. View the videos and photos. I think you'll agree with me that this is NOT acceptable in ANY way in any kind of civilized society. We cannot allow this kind of animal abuse. Period. Not ifs, ands, or buts. Insist that all charges against Tammy Grimes are dropped and animal cruelty charges are instead filed against the Arnolds of East Freedom, Pennsylvania. Pass along the photos and the video, or a link to it, as much as you possibly can.

Doogie laying on the ground, neighbor crying in background:

Doogie after vet at Grimes house:


I could never look myself in the eye again, much less sleep at night, had I left Doogie there dying, shivering in the dirt.

Please, contact ALL media with these photos and videos. Get justice, for Doogie and for me. Do NOT allow this treatment of those who are here to help, and who actually care. Call the Central Pennsylvania Humane Society and tell them you expect them to stand with me against this kind of abuse, and that you expect them to return phone calls for dying dogs the same day.

Officer Flaig: Cell 814.201.0149

Freedom Township Police Headquarters: 814.695.8545

Central Pennsylvania Humane Society: 814.942.5402; cphs@altoonarail.net

Humane Officer Paul Gotshall: 814.942.3780

Altoona Mirror: 800.287.4480; pbanko@altoonamirror.com; news@altoonamirror.com

WTAJ-TV10: 814.944.1414 WJAC-TV 6: 814.255.7600

Honorable Craig Ormsby 800 East Main Street
Roaring Spring, PA 16673 814.224.4168

Honorable Paula Aigner 311 Union Street Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 814.693.3210

All national media! Make sure to send them links to the video, it's very compelling. Don't stop until there is Justice for Doogie and me! Any help with legal fees to get a competent attorney would be much appreciated.

Tammy S. Grimes

**Alert Updates** ( Bottom Line: keep calling, it's working!) 9/14/06.
Inside Edition is coming today to film. We will post asap when it is to air. W)


Our Second Victim Renter!

Welcome to Jen from Casual Slack. We had an overwhelming number of bidders this week, and had to narrow it down to just one. Thanks so much for your interest in our beeeutiful blog, and remember, there's always next week! (So that sounds like one of the five dozen Dear John letters I received before getting my current job.) We love you, we love you all! *blows kisses* Muah!

Anyway, so what sets Casual Slack apart? This post right HERE.

A Quotelet:
Last night I watched Animal Precinct I usually try to avoid this show because it infuriates & depresses me

Anyway these two scumbag women in Brooklyn

I had tears in my eyes as I watched it.

I think that in these situations... The people should have to suffer the same pain that they inflicted (followed by DEATH of course)

When I rule the world... things will be different!
I will hand out death penalties like candy!!

I vow to rid the world of all the nasty people!

Get over there and read the rest. Guess who has my vote?


Celebrity Death Match Theater Part II: Round Two



Celebrity Death Match Theater Part I

*** Click the images to enlarge***


Drumroll, Please

We've been overwhelmed by responses to our first attempt at renting out this blog. Unfortunately, we can only choose one. And a fine choice we made. Welcome to our very first renter, The Grocery List from Hell. Now dude, what shall we call you? I realized when you rented my blog that I never got your (screen)name. Anyway, welcome to the debut of our blog. I for one am thrilled to have you (again) and these two will be as well as soon as they get their asses over there and read.

Now in other news:

What the fuck?


Once Upon a Time


I was thinking about the perfect intro post. Introductions really are like job applications…do I lie or do I tell the truth?

Let’s see…

First my name is JDV. It really isn’t my name it’s my initials, and it means “awemazing.” Awemazing is the offspring of a passionate love making session between “Awesome” and “Amazing.” I may not have coined the phrase but I perfected it.

Anyway, a little about me…

Right now I do not have an active blog. Soon I will have a congregation or cult, if you will…think Heaven’s Gate but you get to keep your nuts…think Jonestown minus the dead bodies, you get the picture. There probably will be Kool Aid though; I mean come on who doesn’t like Kool Aid?

I strive for World Domination. Right now I see Kim Jong-Il as my main competition. But he is short, he sucks at public speaking, and his weapon of choice is the “ No-Dong” missile. I can take him without breaking a sweat.

With the help of the National Geographic channel I have become an experienced world traveler. I learned how to bootleg concerts from watching Rerun do it on What’s Happening. George Jefferson taught me the term “honky”, to this day I still use it. Every once in a while I will call someone a “ Big Dummy”, much love to Fred Sanford for that one. Mr. T educated me on the right way to accessorize my gold chains. John Stamos schooled me on the proper way to wear a mullet, it was a waste of time, John Stamos is an idiot, and everyone knows rat tales are where it’s at. Mike Seaver proved to me that it was possible to be a cool kid and grow up to be a complete moron. I learned how to outrun the law from The Bandit. I firmly believe (and I have proof to back this up) that if you give a monkey the opportunity he can do anything including running a Super Power. My proof is George Bush. And finally I perfected the art of forging doctors’ notes from apprenticing under Juan Epstein.

One last thing, Jerry Reed is a musical genius. He is underrated and underappreciated and that is a sin. The man is old , listen to him, he will not be around forever.


Father Figure

Obligatory Intro Post

If you haven't come over via my blog you probably don't know me. Unless by reputation and if that's the case you undoubtedly don't like me.

Go click on my name to your right over there and it'll tell you about me. What it doesn't tell you is that I spend far too much time online. This is why I take internet classes - so now I have a viable excuse for my junkie-ism.

Let's move forward with the bare basics. I prefer animals to people, movies to television, shoes to clothing (no matter how fat one gets, their shoes almost always fit), intelligence to stupidity, humor to seriousness, candy corn to any other candy (although this is subject to change at any moment), and the color black to white.

I have three dogs: Buster (Shepherd/Border Collie Mix), Anadyne (Retriever Mix), and Mr. Dingo Muttley (as the name insinuates). Buster and Annie live with my mom and Dingo lives with me. The three can't cohabitate without eventual bloodshed.

I am a Data Analyst (fancy name for office peon) in a Quality Management office. And am currently in a Health Information Technology program at the local college. I supplement the usually boring health info classes with the occassional law class which is what I actually enjoy. Those classes are becoming more numerous.

I hate bad country music, most '80's hair metal, rap, and opera. Other than that, I'm pretty versatile. Current favorites include Nickelback, Disturbed, Rob Zombie, Evans Blue, Hinder, Evanescence, and Candlebox.

If a movie has Gina Gershon, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Tilley, Jim Carey, Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks, or Scrat in it, I've either already seen it, have already made plans to, or don't know about it yet. And if you know about it and I don't, you'd better tell me. I've also seen most everything with Robin Williams but I don't care much for him, especially in comedies, because I always wind up feeling sorry for him. His comedies depress me.

Now for the visual. I'm 5'2, blond (although it's rare to see me that way) almost waist length, blue eyes, two tattoos, nose ring, lots of earrings etc, and shoe size 5-6 1/2 in womens 4 in mens. It'll be a cold day in hell that you get the rest of my measurements, even if I were a barbie doll. I drive an '03 silver Dodge Stratus with faery mats and steering wheel cover. It has pink flowers on the front windshield and a lotus flower on the back windshield. The rearview has a half sun/moon decoration and mini-handcuffs. My tag means "Reliever of Pain". All seeming too feminine and mushy for me, but fuck that, I know butterflies are evil.

That's all you really need to know upfront. If you're simply dying to know more about me check out 101 Things About Me, Even More Things About Me, or my Likes & Dislikes pages. And if you can't find what you really want to know in one of the above, just read the fuckin' blog.



This is as good as it's going to get for now. There's too much to adjust with these premade templates and I'm tired of fuckin' with it.

I'm off to do homework.